'Why I Love My Father': A Father's Day Tribute

The important thing is to find pathways to affection, like playfully wrestling, serving a hearty lunch, or covering your child with a warm blanket. As these studies suggest, those are the moments that children will remember for the rest of their lives—and which can help them to flourish in adulthood. I was not as lucky as you to have a loving father. I was most blessed to find Our Heavenly Father at the tender age of 18. Having a very abusive father, my life was in turmoil.

We do know that these loving fathers are the ones who are really contributing to the strengthening of family life, thus greatly assisting in the decrease in criminal activities. These are the fathers who know that the "good old days" were not all that good, and that to maintain a healthy family life requires one to take a new look at the way we do things. The habits and traditions of the "good old days" did very little to strengthen families. We often think of a mother’s love in colorful, warm, and tender terms; but we are reluctant to do the same for fathers. It was God’s design for a father’s love to complement a mother’s love. I think a lot of us have based our perception of who God the Father is on our earthly experiences.

He loved his family – his father, mother, educated his brothers and sisters, and got them married too, all from his savings, despite looking after his immediate family which was us. I heartily salute his feelings with thanks & humbleness. If today, I and my brother both are successful in life, this is due to the foresighted goal setting of my father. Probably he was not an authority on the same, but he had the greatness to communicate by example. I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

I think the church would become very radical because when we live secure in our identity as the beloved children of our Daddy, we're not focused on trying to get what we need. We're not focused on that orphan mentality of protecting ourselves anymore, but we're able to love the people around us radically. We're able to be radically generous because we know who our Father is and we know that He provides for us. If the global church experiences the reality that God is a Father who loves us, I think the church would become so radically powerful in love.

Check out the quotes below for cute, funny, and inspirational messages for a father or daughter. When you’re done, pick the perfect option to add inside a card for any occasion. While these father-daughter quotes make for perfect Father's Day Instagram captions or messages in a Father's Day card, they're also great sentiments to share any day of the year. Speaking from experience, there is no greater comfort to a child than being hugged by the person they trust and respect with all their heart. This simple action speaks volumes that words never could.

"Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad." "I don't have to prepare to be wrapped around my daughter's finger. I have been wrapped around her little finger since the day she plopped out into this world." "A little girl giggles when she is denied an ice-cream by her mother. She knows Daddy will get her some later." "The smile of a daughter is the secret purpose of every father." "The most admirable thing ever has to be a father protecting his daughter." "All my life's problems have just one simple solution — a hug from my daughter."

Loving fathers are self-sacrificing and protect their children. Here are 10 more things a loving father does for his children. We can’t be focused on our kids all of the time and shouldn’t be. But do they know that the time spent away is to benefit them? Do they know what we are working on and why we are away?

"A dad is more than just the sum of his parts. He is the very soul of the family." Dads are the best, so share your feelings about him with the world. Most importantly, they show a girl how to relax and be affectionate around men without being sexual.

"The outside world will have to wait a little longer to greet you, little one. Spending some father and bonding time is my number one priority." "Ten toes, ten fingers, two eyes, two lips, and one nose; I GODLOVE can't wait to meet each part of you! As your father, it is your heart I promise to cherish most." "Dads are the true superheros. They will leap over any obstacle to protect their child from danger."

For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Freely we have received and freely we are to give it away to others in all of our relationships.

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